Thursday, December 29, 2005

Peping Yuson

at least that's what i heard when he gave his name.

went out for lunch today to buy some abubots. i prefer to go alone, for i can move faster. ordered a chucky chicken in wheat from Plato Wraps and a bottled water. Silently and hungrily, i feasted on my lunch and then an old man approached and ask if he can be seated in front of me. To which i graciously said, ok. He's quite fraile with a cane to support himself. After putting down his Solea Iced Tea (raspberry flavor) in his place, he went to get his food from Mongolian Grill. As he sat and carefully placed his items from his plate to our table, i noticed he will be eating using a chopstick. By this time, I am already halfway through my lunch. It was an awkward moment trying not to watch him eat and vice versa. When he was about to open his bottle, i offered to open it for him instead. He politely declined saying he can do it himself and so he did. Then started small talk.

Started with "Do you study here in Makati?", of course na flatter ang lola but I said I'm already working. Blah..blah. I learned that he works for (or does he own it?) a manufacturing company located in Antipolo but soon has plans to transfer in Makati. He even offered me a job should I want to "advance" and so he said. He shared with me that he has Parkinson's disease and that his hands are numb and that he has to take his medicine every two hours. I've suspected that based from his movements. All the time I'm wondering, I'm sure he's not alone. An assistant is lurking somewhere probably as ordered by him. Soon, lunch break has come to an end and so must our conversation. Pleasantly greated him happy new year and reminded him not to forget his medicine after lunch :) Goodbye, Mr. Peping Yuson.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Prulife Christmas Party

we had a dinner buffet at the conservatory

Dinner@the convservatory
then begins our presentation

Arabian Nights - The Wedding Feast

Arabian Nights
by 11PM, winners were announced and we came in 2nd place, sayang! :) it was nice to party again though medyo nakakapagod na nga talaga hehe

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


I've been wanting to write our ninongs and ninangs since our wedding just to give them an update about our marriage. Would like to spread the good news by sending them each a christmas card (which i bought last year pa! hehe) with these pictures attached :) thanks julie for sending them to me!

studio shot - half smile

* * *

studio shot - closer :)

Friday, December 02, 2005

I told my boss already...

or rather sent him a text regarding my pregnancy and he's taking the news in a good way. Here's his reply:
Medyo me hinala na ko. Cge celebrate tayo, sagot mo ha! :)

alryt! problem solved. well half of it anyway. this means that I have to continue proving to him and to myself that I can deliver my tasks despite my situation :)

ok.. back to work now.. happy as a bee..

Thursday, December 01, 2005

December 1

December 1
Originally uploaded by kitakitts.

24 days to go before christmas!!! :)