Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Q3 2022 End is Near


How about that?!  In a blink of an eye we're already pushing towards last quarter of the year.  BER months are faster than usual but not yet feeling the holiday seasons than previous years.  Couple skills I'm honing, ahem driving, baking/cooking rn.  Made a spinoff IG account for my experiments not much content yet but also i'm doing a personal recipe book offline (hardcore!), just a collection of tried and tested palatable outputs and hopefully kwentos of tips and tricks I have learned so far.  True enough, it's a scary thing to do something unfamiliar to you but one can always learn from one's failures.  Pray, I won't have much tho lest we have frequent upset stomachs ^^

Anyways, I promised O I'll finish our SKor photobook soon so despite updates I feel sharing, I just had to go.  Until next!