Wednesday, March 09, 2022

What's Up, Ketchup?!


I think I might have been super chill for the past few weeks that I am million or gazillion miles away from my goals.  I'm still on Phase 1: Collecting Underpants phase wherein I'm like sponge soaking up on tidbits of self-improvement tips, atomic habits whatnot.  However, please someone get here and kick my lazy arse of and move some more.  I do have baby steps for that small wins.  I haven't done yoga but hubby and I take afternoon walks.  I make sure I hydrate at least a glass of water first thing in the morning.  Trying to consume lesser food and half-hearted IF.  To weigh again must wait, I feel it's too soon to see improvements on that area :D

Oh and I'm on my third book, half-way through and I feel slightly attacked :p like the learnings by the characters are right on the bat for me.

My plants are little by little dying on me :p what drama!  I admire the resiliency of what remains from my collection.   Baking cookies, that I can almost do with my eyes closed.  Whoever have tasted them has given me, believe it or not, much praise.

The main reason I'm falling behind my targets, mobile gaming.  Ah, yes my downfall and my current escape from you and the war and the price hike and the election and all of the Happenings.  I wont tell which games but add me if you're so inclined, 




I also took a break from socmed as I think I did something stupid or at least I hope it was me, accidentally and subconsciously, my bad.  Maybe it's all for the best.  Let's see.  Yes, deliberately vaguely written just wanted to express it :D

My driver license has expired and my passport I've yet to renew.  We are now allowed to travel to more places yet sadly I'm going nowhere in the coming months or maybe for the rest of the year even.  Sadt.