Friday, May 31, 2019

Tween to Teen

It's bound to happen, eventually.  Graduation, work and then maybe marriage, childbirth and, to be morbid, death.  Meanwhile, let me just hit that pause button and relish this moment.

Definitely, she's an extension of me with a sprinkle of my personality but with so much more.. potential.

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One night I jokingly asked her, when she's married will she still have pup with her.  Wittingly she answered: Magaasawa ba ko?
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I was never this close to my parents to freely talk about my future.  I grew up with a straight path focused on finishing college to find work and give back to family.  I wasn't given other options and I was a good enough daughter with no need to ask for more.

For my daughter, I choose to be a guide and witness whatever person she would like to be.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Pinya Pinyo Pinya Nating Lahat

Since I can no longer upload new photos, this might just end up to be a photoblog after all.

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My route to work has deviated from the usual and I think I will keep taking it from hereon.  There's quite a bit more walking but I get to buy practical foods along the way.  I guess apart from kuya taho, there's kuya pinya to look forward to.  Brighter and fuller mornings ahead, yes?! :)

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My fone is always close to dying (I cannot play), I keep forgetting to bring my book (because I'm tugging along a smaller bag), I have all these thoughts in my head, meaning you might just hear from me here more frequently *fingers-crossed*.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

So what's your plan?

I fear my indecisiveness may result to deletion of long curated photos in flickr.  Most days I feel indifference like I could actually afford to lose our photos and then some days I feel panicky like all memories are lost forever and everyone will forget.  Like I never existed and it didn't matter and the life that I had didn't happen at all. 

There's a simple solution to this drama of course.  For a price, I get to keep everything online but I am a cheapskate and I simply don't want to pay on top of "useless" things I pay for like this effin' blog that's going nowhere among other things.

Yes, I am stalling.  Yet again.

Monday, May 27, 2019

ROM is lyfer

Hi, I'm Kitts. I'm a ROM addict. LOL.

My panda eyes are proof.  On the brighter side, they say that knowing you have a problem is a good start.  I will not go cold turkey on this one and I don't see myself quitting anytime soon.  Still, moderation is the key. #notetoself