Thursday, January 17, 2013

Tube Stories

After dinner, hubby claimed the sala tv while the little girl busied herself playing online games.  Left to myself, I went inside the room and channel surfed.  A little while later, dani comes in checking up on me and saw the remote on my hand.  She said, "Mommy, do you watch TLC?  I know you'll like it.  They have shows about food and they travel to places..."  I've been avoiding these lifestyle channels as they frustrate me rather than inspire me :p  When we finally found the channel, we stuck around and drooled over lovely wedding cakes for about 30mins and I just had to turn it off.  That quickly, it made my body forget about the dinner I just had, shesh.  However, the post is not about cable channels but rather as to how my child sees me, my interests and the likes.  I would say, it was rather.. spot on.

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