Sunday, May 07, 2023

Felt like our first beach trip ever


Finally, our first beach trip post-pandemic.  We spent a night in Costa Blanca Island Resort somewhere in Batangas.  I was holding out and didn't really prepared much for this trip as we only tagged along with friends.  

As expected, it was a bit tiring as most trips are even when it was just a 2hr drive.  Not surprisingly, it made me miss having moments like these.  The sound of the waves (albeit sometimes disrupted by co-vacationers belting their hearts out with their late night videoke sessions), the feel of the soft sand on my feet as I walk alongside my loved ones.  Just sitting there, seeking refuge under the shade of a tree with the heat of the sun on my skin, I catch a glimpse of a small fishing boat and hear kids laughing as they waddled in the water.

A beach in Calayo Batangas

Taking in the landscape and attempting to capture the scenery, I missed it for sure.

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