Sunday, February 08, 2009

Neverending Story

I finally got my order from Amazon c/o Julie :D Can't wait to watch and read The Neverending story. I will have to give copies to my siblings who prolly want to relive this story again. I'm not quite sure when I first saw the movie, will have to confirm with bro if it was indeed during gradeschool. Not to be ignored, Nick Bantock's 3rd book for the Griffin and Sabine trilogy is just pleading to be read, I want to slow read this one and relish each image, scribbles and doodles on every page.
Dani's ninang generously included unexpected gifts along with the items above. Salamat po, sa uulitin hihi. We attended a baby shower earlier at Dad's Glorietta today. Took a couple of pics, hopefully i'll make a separate post about it. With the looks of it, the new mom won't be needing any weight loss pills after giving birth.

Also, we went to visit my mami and dadi afterwards, much to their delight. They really do miss my little imp and she misses them too. the night was just long enough for a short get together and soon we were bound back for home.

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