Thursday, July 09, 2009

Meme: 8 Things

Something to read, from Mhay

8 Things I'm looking Forward To:

Zach's 5th Birthday

July Payroll :D
All weekends

8 Things I Did Yesterday:

Slave for work

Tried Baby Come Back Ribs from Chili Peppers - matabang
Chitchat with Bro
Listen to Jack Johnson
Work some more
Played Outdoor Challenge (not in PS3)
Gave plenty of XOXOs to Hubby and Dani
Showered and slept like a baby

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:

Finish House season 4 and 5

Tell my hubby about my Zen
Blog some waiting opps and blog some more
Payoff card debt
Skip work so I can go to Dani's School
Tinker with my own iPhone :D
Shop for Christmas

8 TV Shows I Watch:

I don't really watch TV :D

8 People I Tag:

Here's the tricky part. Hmm..

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