Sunday, September 13, 2009


Don't you just hate that word? :p

A few weeks ago, I finished fifth season of House M.D. Previous holidays were spent watching extended version of LOTR. Just now, I finished watching StarTrek online (hurray for my patience) and currently feasting on the husband's pasalubong earlier :D Last night was weeping for Heathcliff and Cathy's love story, Tom Hardy's performance (and pretty face) pulled me in to what I initially thought was a deadly boring movie. I remember trying to finish Wuthering Heights way back high school but must have been distracted by other things (as usual) and didn't get to finish. I downloaded the free PDF but that's for another time. Wizard of Oz is on-queue as we speak.

I'm glad we didn't buy one of those desktop computers onsale and got our laptop instead, add that to the router hubby got for us and I am free to move around the house in the middle of the night whether it be in the kitchen for a midnight snack or back inside the room tucked under our blanket on this long cold night. wala lang hehe nangiinggit lang ;)

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