Monday, June 08, 2009

Birthday Kwento: Blow the Candle

Blow the Candle
Originally uploaded by kitakitts

Alas, grey clouds could no longer hold the rain. We had a heavy downpour around noon time, perfect chance for a break. Children gathered around the cake, sang the birthday song and we blew the candle.

I let the kids have cupcakes immediately after and people queued for lunch. We had jollibee chicken and spaghetti meal for kids and buffet lunch for adults.

Since we have balikbayans over, we have wowowee for entertainment. I think I underestimated the guest count and had to add more tables and chairs. There wasn't enough food for second helping, I told ate glen to buy buckets of chickenjoy however many P1k can afford. Later, she came back with 4.

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