Monday, June 08, 2009

Birthday Kwento: Pool Party Starts

Do's and Dont's
Originally uploaded by kitakitts

party officially started 15mins before 11am, though invites indicated we start at 10. i missed watching most of the games kaka-chika. i'm really torn between entertaining some of the adult guests or jumping in the water with my daughter. i wish i did the latter but what kind of host will that make me :p

We were supposed to have 3 dry games, lunch and 5 wet games. Since most of the kids are in the pool already, Teacher Hazel suggested they conduct all wet games instead.

this is the part where I lose details of the party. All I have are pics and snippets from parents. Amidst chitchat, my eyes will wander by the pool area and check on dani. I know she’s having a blast and the teachers are making sure the kids are safe. I wish I asked about the PA system if it can be brought outside pero hindi pala pwede. Teacher Hazel made do with her loud voice competing with the sound of passing airplanes.

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