Sunday, August 16, 2009

Busy Bee?

I+M - lanterns
Originally uploaded by kitakitts

Nah. As a matter of fact, I've been quite lazy. I keep waking up at 3AM, not by choice as Dani wants her milk at such an ungodly hour. Most of the times I'll fall back asleep effortlessly, other times, I'm here or elsewhere. Might be watching one or two episodes of House MD or a flick I've been wanting to watch until I hit the shower and rush off to work.

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Mothers, if you have a pre-K like me and you want some edutainment for you child, get yourself a copy of Super Why. I downloaded few episodes in Japanese hehe but I've two in English, the Cinderella and Three Little Pigs episode. Zach and Dani digs it :D

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I am getting more and more concerned about my finances as August is nearing its end, Ber months begin, expenses will definitely increase. I haven't done any online window shopping lately for it breaks my heart not to be able to buy stuffs that are sale. I dread going to malls as they never seem to put the On Sale sign down. I know, its a matter of self-control, which I possess rather less that I would have wanted (or needed).

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I've already shortlisted some places we could stay for our Boracay trip on October. I figured we could stay in Station 1 and we could just hang out at I+M's place should we get bored. I figured since it'll be their first, they would stay where the party is at (Station 2). Pool is a must as I'm unsure how Dani will react to sand and the beach this time around. I wish we could drag one of her cousins along so she'll have a playmate. Hopefully, Caticlan airport is up and runny by then as I didn't take the early flight. Taking fat burners wont help me prep for the said trip, sad. It's ok, I might end up behind the shutter anyway.

Ka-ching! Ka-ching!

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