Sunday, September 13, 2009

From deep slumber

Originally uploaded by kitakitts

I have awaken.

Romance, True Love, seems to escape me for some time now. I've witnessed two weddings and I feel nothing. Yes well wishes were given as standard greetings but I'm not really happy for them in the sense that I am kilig or giddy. Not that it matters to them, I'm sure they've no care in the world what I think or feel. Full of optimism, they are as they say, in Cloud 9.

I've search through the core of me and neither was Envy the cause of my state. Long have I realized that there's no point comparing anything with others, so skip that. Then it came to me, as clear as spring water, I've been a neglectful partner. I tend to hang on to disappointment and misunderstandings and ended here, lost. I guess, at my end, our marriage from peaks and valleys, has reached it's plateau. That I almost forgot what we once had or where we are headed. Thankfully, I am married to a wonderful man.

And yes a simple pasalubong can do that to me. Bring me back with an optimistic flair, intoxicated with romance and ready to profess yet again my undying love for my husband. Beat that cheesiness, John Lloyd.

Of course it's not just the carrot cake, I'm not that shallow (or materialistic), or maybe I am but I don't want to argue with myself right now so let me just get to my point.

I love you, hubby.

Five years and counting..

** just in case I forget to write something for our anniversary ;)

Mines View

Future Mechanic

Here's my Pink Car
Originally uploaded by kitakitts

Though I don't see her yet handling medical equipment in the future, maybe her current love for cars is more about it's color than it's mechanics :p She has just started with the "Why" phase. Say something and a series of whys are sure to follow.

Mami, do you love me?

In a day, she must have asked me that question for like 10 times. I tell her, yes I love her and ask her back if she loves me. To which she answers yes, I love you too. I think it replaced the question, "Are you happy?" with this one.

Love Notes #14

Originally uploaded by kitakitts

You do know my weakness. For all of your sweet nothings, I love you.


Don't you just hate that word? :p

A few weeks ago, I finished fifth season of House M.D. Previous holidays were spent watching extended version of LOTR. Just now, I finished watching StarTrek online (hurray for my patience) and currently feasting on the husband's pasalubong earlier :D Last night was weeping for Heathcliff and Cathy's love story, Tom Hardy's performance (and pretty face) pulled me in to what I initially thought was a deadly boring movie. I remember trying to finish Wuthering Heights way back high school but must have been distracted by other things (as usual) and didn't get to finish. I downloaded the free PDF but that's for another time. Wizard of Oz is on-queue as we speak.

I'm glad we didn't buy one of those desktop computers onsale and got our laptop instead, add that to the router hubby got for us and I am free to move around the house in the middle of the night whether it be in the kitchen for a midnight snack or back inside the room tucked under our blanket on this long cold night. wala lang hehe nangiinggit lang ;)