Wednesday, October 21, 2009

At the hospital

Nope, I did not give birth :p My SIL did, five hours ago to a bouncing baby boy :D We were at hospital as early as 5:30pm, nagla-labor pa lang naka-tambay na kami sa room. Naturally, dani would like to sample the hospital bed. Pasado naman sa kanya, malambot daw and malakas ang aircon in fairness!

I was on leave for three days, my helper resigned. Having experience being SAHM again for a short period of time made me almost quit my work likewise :p Now I would be selfish and impractical should I pursue the thought. The boss texted me already this morning confirming my return date to which I promptly replied, "Tomorrow".

Bro, may baby ka na! I bet scrubbing yourcopper kitchen sinks will be on hold for awhile with all the nappy changing that's going to happen in the next few days haha

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