Thursday, October 29, 2009


Storyland - Ride All You Can
Originally uploaded by kitakitts

Back when we used to live in Las Pinas, I didn't had the chance to visit the spanking new attraction in Southmall back then. We got an invite from Hubby's officemate celebrating his daughter's 7th birthday in Storyland. She was having a princess theme and wore a pink gown much to Dani's amazement. The little girl just can't help touching the celebrant's gown.

She actively joined in The Boat is Sinking, one playmate stepped on her slippers caused it to snap and break. Deadma, she kept on playing hehe.

Before the party ends, the host gave ride-all-you can to kids. We didn't waste time looking for rides available for Dani. She had fun driving the jeep in FasTrak. Would it be bad if she ends up driving a tour bus or having any other odd Jobs in New York? Doesn't matter. One thing for sure, she had fun just being a kid one day at a time.

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