Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Girls Night Out

Originally uploaded by kitakitts

It has been decided by me (hehe) that we eat at Mile-Hi Diner, George me wants to try their highly raved burgers.

After a couple of clicks here and there
O, tell me if you want me to take this down haha

Off we went to stuff ourselves. We were seated behind Kalil. I didn't eavesdrop as to whatever he is talking about his friends. I let him chill as we weren't there to stalk him in the first place.

Anyways, we ordered the Aretha Set which came with these:
Burger + Milkshake
Mozzarella Stuffed Burger + Milkshake (option of Strawberry, Chocolate and another one, I forgot, mianhe.)
Oreo Ice Cream Split
We should've ordered the strawberry milkshake, but O prefers choco as she generally is not fond of milk. Calories galore, ne?

I think their POS systems is quite efficient as we got our bill in less than a minute after requesting for it.

I heard they have hot calamansi drink, perfect for someone under the weather. I wont wait for that though, will be back soon :)

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