Friday, November 05, 2010

Trick or Treat 2010

Weekend Photo
Originally uploaded by kitakitts

Just because she's the princess who wears the Pink gown, she chose Aurora's costume over Tink's even when I think the latter fits and looks better on her. I gave in, scared I'll regret it when she won't wear the costume later on should I persist on what I wanted.

Surprise, surprise. Come D day, the little girl prefers to wear the gown she wore during my grandparents' wedding anniversary instead.


With her purple wings in tow and a toy wand, she came as a .. hmm.. Fairy Princess for her school's trick or treat activity. It lacked the ohmp, should've bought her glitter tattoo or fancy hairdress. All in all, she's happy and comfortable with her costume.

1 comment:

JonaBQ said...

cute little fickle-minded princess! :D