Friday, November 05, 2010

She's mocking me

her umbrella
Originally uploaded by Pedro Moura Pinheiro

Mother Nature. I feel she's mocking me. In most days I bring an umbrella. It's when I forget to bring one will she decide to rain down on me. I got a little bit sick forcing me to go offline and rest some more. Hence the lack of recent post.

I am now adjusting to my new workplace. Food, not necessarily eating out, is essential to me and is top priority. So we scouted for possible cheap thrills here and there.

On a lighter note, several colleague has commented that I "looked" like I lost some weight. Some wanted to know if I actually found a diet pill that actually works. Buzz me and I might share the secret with you ;) Oh, I assume you want proof, ne? Maybe in my next post ;)

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