Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dirty Laundry

I remember a previous post from my sister on her friend commenting on exposing one's dirty laundry in public, howelse but through one's blog.  Admittedly as I google my nick, my real name or things that can point to this blog back to the real me and found several results, subconsiously I somehow became wary about my topics.  Initally when I first blogged, I didn't want to be found. I just wanted to post and share and rant and dream, just to keep everything off my chest and move on.  Publishing my thoughts to strangers is one thing but having someone you know come to you say, I read your blog, is a different ball game all together.  The next thing I know, when asked if I have one,  I find myself hesitantantly (if not vaguely) giving away keywords (as I doubt if that person can remember the whole URL unless I have a card with my blog address in it to give away hehe) as I mentally search my blog archive of possible related about that person.

Why do i blog? <-- in case you found me.

Grissom once asked why people don't value privacy to which Sanders answered, because they value openness.

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