Thursday, August 07, 2008

Ilocano in Me

So I searched amazon for interesting books i found from some friend's reading list, armed with my list I went to powerbooks which by the way is on sale for the whole of August.

As I browsed through some, I just couldn't get myself to get the book and proceed to the counter and pay. Mostly likely I will browse for another book and see if it's much more deserving of my "investment".

In the end, I went home empty handed.

Namamahalan talaga ako sa books.

The chances that I will re-read them again are so slim that I would so prefer to just borrow.

Pity me.

Maybe I should let myself be ran over by used Harleys ;p


Anonymous said...

just wanted to let you know that, not all ilocanos are kuripot. that's not true!!!!!

Me said...

well i hope i did not offend you :) one thing is for sure, even if i'm not ilocano, i'm kuripot hehe