Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Crocs Sale at Whitespace

Originally uploaded by kitakitts

M and I escaped from the prison for a couple of minutes of shopping bliss hehe

Got myself a Black Mccall Winter Flat (P1,175) and a Black Gabby (P555) for the little girl. I know I could've gotten them cheaper had I order them in Amazon, still I can consider the price difference as shipping cost :D


I got two more pairs for Ate Gerah and Tita M but these are supposedly surprise gifts so no photos hehe

Several warehouse sale are scheduled already, so might start looking there for my Christmas list :) Hmm.. come to think of it, one item in my wishlist can't be found in such events.. curious? a week long bahamas cruise ain't so bad, right?

1 comment:

Greg Coiro said...

My name is Greg Coiro and I am from Direct Line Cruises, Inc. One of my previous SEO companies, I believe requested that a link be added to your website regarding my company.
I would like to kindly request that my company link be removed on the following page:
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Greg Coiro
Direct Line Cruises, Inc.