Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Godmother

Abie just reminded me of my godchildren this christmas through this meme:

This meme was created to remind us “Ninongs” and “Ninangs” the number of our godchildren and our responsibility towards them as they grow and mature as better Christians. Here are the rules:
· List all the names of your godchildren
· Tag at least 5 bloggers
· Update the Tag Train

These are the only inaanaks that I dutifully remember during christmas:
Zach - my nephew, Kers first child (little did i know na dapat pala you should include one of your siblings as godparent during baptism hehe)
Linette - a second cousin from batangas, she's in college now, 3rd yr i think :D
Angel - a special child, I haven't seen her in the last two years but I make sure she gets something whenever I see her parents who're my mom's cousins
I'll try to update this meme later ;)

The Tag Train Started Here - Bluepanjeet - Joy - Scarty - Yen - PeachyAbie - Kitts - "You" {you put your link here}

So I'm tagging these merry lads if they haven't done this meme yet :D Toni, Mhay, Irmee and Nice :D

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