Saturday, December 01, 2007

Note to self: Just smile.

This photo was taken last weekend (which i now realized should have been stamped). It was just waiting there in vain, hoping to be scrapped one day, among other photos. Anyways, I feel like as if Dani and I should have more photos together. To be honest, since I haven't returned to my old physical self, I shy away from the camera hence the lack of photos. I keep thinking maybe if I lose another pound or so then I'll be less chubby in them and well look thinner for a change. Ha-ha, sadly, photos will have to wait until then so I thought, unknowingly sacrificing something more important than my pitiful self. It dawned on me as I see this photo that our brain can only do so much to hold on to our memory of that precious moment, which is what exactly photos are meant for.

Hmm.. this post is making me feel vulnerable. So anyways, I promise myself not to be so self-conscious anymore since part of my goal here is to share myself to you remember? So there has to photos here of me every now and then because this is my blog, right? And so I'll try not to sulk any further and do something more in trying to regain my confidence and address my weight issues :p

Ok just so you'd know, maybe this post has also something to do with the wedding we'll be attending later today. Oh well I'll just try not to get them to me and convince myself that they mean well when they tell me to go on a diet or something. I totally strayed away from my original post. I better hit the sack.

Good day to you guys, may the sun share his warmth with your hearts!


M0rN1nG & N!cE said...
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Norm said...

wow! nice photo! By the way, I have something for you in my site...2 nice awards, just visit me...happy weekend

Pam said...

hi kitts,

nice photo kaya.. and i don't think your chubby :) and you're right this is your blog.. so post anything you want :)
