Saturday, December 29, 2007

Last working day for 2008

I cancelled my VL since I thought I will be able to accomplish some stuffs before the year ends. Morning i was able to catch up with some mails. Had a saisaki lunch buffet, a despidida of sorts for our of our BAs. Thanks to my dear friend, Olgs. We chatted the whole afternoon.

Not much luck.

I've read about this planner in paultoni's blog and eventually after office went to powerbooks greenbelt to buy one. Already I'm looking forward to try something different and use the free special waxing service coupon next year ;) Pray I'll be able to maximize whatever this planner has to offer ;)

Afterwards, we went to Rustans to look for something to buy for Dani. I have sodexho GCs which I can use there. Yun talaga intention ko, ang magamit na yung mga GCs bago ko pa makalimutan at magexpire (though dec08 pa expiration hihi). Can't wait for Dani to see her new stuffs. Will post photos soon once we're back home na. We'll be leaving tomorrow. I miss na rin our house and our privacy hihi. Before then I hope I'll be able to do your tags!

So I'm off to bed. I'm just glad work for 2007 has already ended.

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