Sunday, July 20, 2008

Aggie Wants to Know #3: Halfway There.

How’d your first six months go? And what are you looking forward to the next six months?

I wish I had a fearless forecast for 2008. No definite goals for the year, no major projects, was trying to avoid: disappointment.

I said I'd take it one day at a time or in some cases one payday at a time. Basta pag may occassion lalo na't birthday, kelangan talaga may celebration.

My bro finally got hitched
I dreamt of Baby#2

The date that didn't push thru
We had a pet
The inevitable age+1 day

Egg Tarts, Ruins and Casinos
Little Girl saw the smallest volcano
The hunt begins
Visited Mr. Ray

Wala na si Ate Sel, no?
Fancy a banofee?
Effortless shopping

No taupe in windy chicago
Twice a flower girl
I heart durian city
Twenty-four months

Woes of a working mom

Overall, masaya naman ako sa first half ng 2008. My goal for the next six months would be to post more reflections not just to plot down activities. More heart, more emotions. Men, I feel vulnerable already ;p

Some bloggable stuffs I'm anticipating for the rest of the year:

Work, work, and more work

My parents birth month
The annIVersary

Yet another LOMA exam

Less shopping, more savings

All will depend on how it will end for us this year.

We will remain debt free from credit cards (we still have 12yrs for the house mortgage)
Hubby will be able to get a new job (may it be local or overseas)
I will learn how to bake or at least cook weekend meals again
I will pass my LOMA exam
I will sport a short haircut (minus 10lbs min)
I will finish Dani's 1st and 2nd Birthday album

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