Friday, July 11, 2008

Smiley Friday Tag

Snagged this from Toni :)

1. Do you want to grow old with someone or be single?
:: Ever since I heard about prince charming, with me still on my pigtails, I've been wanting to grow old with him :) Now who is my prince charming, that is the question ;)

2. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning?
:: I am at work as early as 7:30AM, coding eh ;)

3. What were you doing in last 30 minutes?
:: having breakfast, yummy corn beef pandesal and milk tea

4. What was something that happened to you in 1998?
:: I graduated at 22 and months after had my first job

5. If you were stranded on an island with the person you hated and without food what would you do?
:: If that person is a she, I would let her be and scout food on my own. Otherwise, I imagine myself as madonna in Swept Away ;p

6. When someone catches your eye,do you try to make an eye contact or avoid it?
:: Most of the time I feel so transparent that I do avoid eye contact.

7. What color is your comb?
:: Neon green

8.What was the last thing you bought?
:: The corn beef pandesal for two :D

9. How do u know when ur in love?
:: I have this stupid smile on my face as I endlessly day dream of us, i hum songs, sing out loud even, walk with a slight skip here and there

10. Have you been to China?
:: Does Macau count?

11. Where do you keep your money?
:: Err, do I have any to keep? :p

12. Do you wish you were back together with any of your exes?
:: No regrets.

13. Do you like peanut butter?
:: with jelly please

14. Have you been to UK?
:: UKay-ukay

15. Dream country?
:: Philippines, minus all the negativity.

16. The thing you love about relationships?
:: You learn not to be selfish

17. The thing you love about being single?
:: Freeeedoooommm (in a braveheart shout)

18. Would you give up a dream for someone you loved?
:: Shouldn't he be helping you achieve that dream?

19. Do you wanna cut your hair?
:: I want someone to cut it for me (so literal haha)

20. Are you over the age of 25?
:: sadly, yes

21. Do you talk a lot?
:: Depends on the person I'm with, if she's a talker, I listen, vis-a-vis

25. Favorite ice cream?
:: Pistachio, Melon-Macapuno

26. Could you date someone who has been only your friend for a long time?
:: I don't date friends

27. Are you typically a jealous person?
:: I hate when hubby teases me and tries to make me feel jealous, but normally I'm not the jealous type.

28. Is there such thing as perfect relationship?
:: It's a state of mind.

32. Do you chew on your straws?
:: No.

33. Do you have curly hair?
:: Definitely

35. The kind of person you're first attracted to?
:: Has a timid smile

37. What is something you say a lot?
:: Nye! or Ah talaga (when partially listening haha)

40. Do you have to work tomorrow?
:: Yey, its saturday-no-work-day!

41. Who was the last person you said I love you to?
:: Dani

*whew, ang haba pala neto :) Happy Friday!

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