Saturday, July 12, 2008


I want to blog, you want to watch.

We share.

Most of the time, this is what my screen looks like when I'm online. This weekend however, I might be offline as we're off to Nova. Still no internet connection there.

I was able to finish the "cinema copy" of Sex and the City movie. Men, did I cry a river. I'm such a weeper. I never really got beyond season two of the tv series but I do feel for these ladies. Like my male staff, who was "dragged" by his better half, "complained" the other day, it is indeed a chick flick.

I also managed to read James Patterson's, Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas. I felt bitin with Matt's and Katie's love story, I wish there were more of them as there was for Matt and Suzanne's. More and more I am convinced that men like Matt only exists in novels as such ;p

I was planning to watch something tonight but got sidetracked in friendster. Its practically 2am, I better get some zzz's for tomorrow's another day with my little girl. I need to recharge.

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