Friday, September 21, 2007

Gossip and Carpools

You'll never know things people gossip about you. Like, one thinks she shared with you a very personal info (eg sex life) trusting you'll keep it to yourself but then your tongue got the better of you and shared it to someone else just to pass time in traffic.

Really, it got me thinking, whatever else stuffs will she share whenever there's not much to say. I'll break it down with you :D

L, S and I share carpools when available. L told me that S confided in her that S's husband, in the aftermath of their once in a blue moon act of procreation, thanked her, as in with matching "Thank you."

I honestly didn't know how to react. Apparently, she finds it weird and funny and figured i'll share a laugh with her but I didn't. I just told her in a matter-of-factly tone, it happens. Sometimes, men are confused as to what to say afterwards. Would you rather he just turn his back and immediately fall asleep?

Anyways, i wasn't irked about her opinion on the matter but on her deciding to share with me something she should've kept to herself. I don't really know S that much but i'll see her around and I don't want an image of her and his husband naked in bed saying "thank you" flashing in my mind when I do.

(yes, i'm a very visual person)

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