Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Tuesday Twosome Meme

1. Do you check your email once a day or more? Explain:
>> My email is up from 730am to 530pm, i keep checking from time to time :)

2. When you receive SPAM emails, do you just delete them or take the time to mark it as SPAM? Explain:
>> My bad, i just let them be unless my Y!Mail is full, then i purge ;)

3. When a friend/acquaintance emails you a “forward” email like a joke or chain letter, do you forward it to your friends or just delete it? Explain:
>> I used to forward emails like so but nowadays, I just make sure I forward something that'll be really appreciated by selected receipients.

4. Who are two people whose emails you look forward to receiving? Explain:
>> Paypal for incoming funds *LOL* and blogger to notify me of comments but wait, these are not *people*

5. Do you believe that email has completely replaced other forms of communication?
>> not entirely just about 80% or so :p people nowadays prefer fast means so i guess there's instant messaging ;)


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