Monday, September 17, 2007

Still no photos

my bad. I was trying to make this blog not so much of a paid blog so i was attempting to personalize it more by adding photos. my aim last weekend was to go through my photos and upload to relevant previous posts. sadly, just like any other weekend, i'm stuck with dani most of the day and this weekend was no different :)

however, i do have lots to thank about this past weekend. i managed to sleepover and re-bond with my girlfriend O at her place. photos are still with her, so utang ulit ;p we ravished a succulent dinner at Conti's and to my girlfriends dismay, hit the sack immediately after.

in my possession, i now have Robbie Williams' the handsomest man CD, yey!

yesterday, my folks went over to snoop around.. oopps.. to see if we've soiled the mattress.. opps.. to check up on us.. oopss.. i keep using the words here hehe anyways, as i was saying, they dropped by to see our progress on house improvements and of course, to dot on dani whatelse :D wasn't able to talk to my sis though, i think she's too tired from the commute while i was busy playing host :D

by the way, i was on leave last friday, as if you noticed the lack of post :p meaning, i've got tons of catching up to do at work. so, off i am. hope you'll have a great week ahead of you ;) i'm crossing my fingers for mine ;)

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