Monday, November 26, 2007

Finance Pitstop

It has been two years since I last check up on our budget sheet. I just got tired of forecasting expenses and tracking of incoming money. Somewhere in between pregnancy and keeping up with the Dani, I lost track of our finances. Maybe its because we manage to pay our loans and get by with our income and if there’s an extra bucks here and there then good for us. Still, I think it’s about time I sit down with my handy excel and plot again.

I have this feeling that next year will be another good year for us. I just hope we wont be needing any unsecured loans and that interest on homeowner loans will continue to drop. I would like to think that we have been wise in choosing our loans properly for the right purpose and we make sure that we pay them on time. It would be nice though if someone will come knocking our door and as I open it right there and then is a case of million bucks. Life would indeed be grand.

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