Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I'm it!

Seemed to me Norm's has a lot of surprises in store for me.

1. Are you good at hiding your feelings?
Honestly, my eyes always gives me away.
2. How can we tell that you're already irritated?
My right eyebrow is slightly arched.
3. How do you treat the person that obviously doesn't like you?
I ignore her.
4. What usually ruins your mood?
work-related problems first thing in the morning.
5. Who do you see everyday that you wish you just wouldn't at all?
System error, or any error messages haha
6. When was the last time that you had a good cry?
When I watched the land of women a couple of months ago. i think i also cried a bit while watching stardust.
7. How often do you shop for clothes?
Whenever there's a special occassion or outing.
8. Who's your long-time crush?
Tommy Page, since high school.
9. Someone you just had a crush on?
Went Miller. Although I fancy the guy from the Heather Graham's Movie, Grey Matters.
10. Do you have something that you wish you just don't?
err.. not a clue
11. Do you sometimes crave for something that isn't there?
well i do hope i have a stock of meijie chocolates right about now.
12 . Do you wish to live in a faraway land where nobody knows you?
usually when an embarrasing thing just happened.
13. Have you kissed a total stranger?
nope. not my kind of moves.
14. What do you want to do at this moment?
i want to cuddle up with my two loveones while i wait for sleep to take me
15. The worst feeling?
stressed out
16. How about the best?
to feel loved and appreciated
17. Ever given your number to someone you dislike?
i only give my number to people i like (except from work where i've no choice ;p)
18. What will you say to the one reading this right now?
you are the child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars!
19. What/who do you need right now?
i need to sleep but
i have to work
20. Happy with your life?
A quick answer would be yes but i'm feeling different of sorts but in general yeah, pretty happy not mary-poppins-kinda-happy but happy enough :D

Hey Norms, this wasn't easy. lots of tough q's you have for me here but i read yours and you made me laugh at some parts :D have a good night sleep ;)

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