Monday, November 19, 2007


So I've been seeing this tag around and figured it'll be fun to let you know how hmm.. generic I am hehe got this from Sheila.

The Brand Tag

1) What’s the brand of your wristwatch? Fossil and Timex

2) What’s the brand of your bracelet? just swarovski crystals bought from quiapo

3) What’s the brand of your cell phone? Nokia

4) What’s the brand of your computer? Just a clone

5) What’s the brand of your bags? My black shoulder Ralph Lauren just retired. Other than that non-designer bags.

6) What’s the brand of your undies? mostly are from avon (pero hindi naman two gives ;p) and so-en hehe but i also have bench and esprit

7) What’s the brand of your flip-flops? Planet and BeachWalk, i just borrow my sister's Havaianas from time to time haha I do have a rockport sandals (not exactly a flip flop)

8)What’s the brand of your shoes? Australian. I don't buy expensive ones. People close to me can attest how my feet can be so destructive.

9) What’s the brand of your wallet? I have a dark brown Coach wallet&pouch given to me three years ago

10) What’s the brand of your shirts? I used to frequent Bench and Human for their alternative designs pero I usually shop na for generic blouses in Landmark hehe

11) What’s the brand of your TV? Sony

12) What’s the brand of your cars? Toyota

13) What’s the brand of your mp3 player? Creative

14) What’s the brand of your make up? Avon and Herbench

15) What’s the brand of your shampoo and conditioner? Citre Shine S&C alternated with Rejoice and CreamSilk

16) What’s the brand of your jeans? Err..Canadian Club. Honestly, I only own one pair and borrow from my sister

17) What’s the brand of your laundry soap? Surf Powder mixed with Ariel (don't ask me, si hubby may pakana nyan)

18) What’s the brand of your lotion? J&J SoftLotion sometimes Jergens Ultra Healing

19) What’s the brand of your toothpaste? Definitely Colgate

20) What’s the brand of your ballpen? just a generic ballpen from our office supplies.

My buying philosophy is if an item, regardless of its brand, serves its purpose, then i'll buy it. the cheaper the better :D I do admit looking vain and forlon at designer stuffs from time to time and qu

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