Monday, November 26, 2007

Time is Gold

... and so are we. konek? wala lang hehe :D As much as I would like to rant about our "very reliable" wi-fi connection c/o of (apple, sorry dear but i hate your company right now) SmartBRO, i just have to make do with the time i have right now and blog about something more important. I know, i know, must have something to do with the weather, still kakairita diba.

Anyways, weekend was pretty laid back. we just stayed home and spent time with dani. I was able to do some layouts for Dani's 1st Birthday album, yey!

Abie, if you're still waiting for my answer, I wont hold it against you if you go and find someone else but I'll be posting here some of my layouts soon just so you'll see more clearly and know what you'll end up with, ok?! :D (yes people, we're talking in alien language here so hush!)

I also tried one doing bard's and donna's save the date card and here's what I came up with:

std1 copy

Do you think this looks like a calling card? I don't want to spoil the photo so I'm aiming for simplicity. anyways, I'll try to come up with another two layouts before I print them on photo magnet sheets and cut them up.

So that's what i've up to that's why not much updates happening here. Hope we'll all have a great week ahead! ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Kitts! Dami na ngang bad feedback about SmartBro. Mas ok daw ang Globe broadband.
