Friday, November 30, 2007

Some things just got to give

At least for now. Unfortunately my PR dropped to zip, zero, nada so no opps for today. at least i'm doing my rounds now and able to blog about what really matters :D

irmee, not quite sure if we'll be able to chat before you leave for palawan. don't worry, you'll have fun out there, don't forget to post pics afterwards! ingat!

Friday night while buying groceries with hubby, these black plantains caught my attention, ang hahaba kaya! So we bought one out of curiousity knowing fully ako lang kakain neto sa house. After cutting it up, I tasted it as it is, nyak ang pakla. Well the tag did say when it's color yellow, it is great when baked with some egg and butter. I've researched just now, niluluto pala talaga sya pag ganyang green ang balat kasi hilaw pa nga. It's still sitting inside our fridge, will try later to deep fry it with brown sugar mala-bananaQ baka masarap nga :D

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