Thursday, November 29, 2007

Money is In

Yep, we now have it in our hands *insert greedy smile* aahh 13th month pay. If there was actually a 13th month after December, it'll be the most unluckiest month we're actually look forward to hehe Of course the money didn't remain untouched not even for a single day, as much as I would like to "stock up" I have a pledge for my bro's wedding so there that's money gone (for good reason) and well there's cards to pay .. you get the picture.

i now have with me a borrowed neverwhere (thanks mich!) and can't wait to read it tonight. holiday bukas diba, so i'd get to read yey. before anything else, work is calling so better run. sorry guys still offline at home, not much chance to bloghop and answer tags but i will as soon as naayos ni Smart connection namin. They're scheduled to drop by tomorrow and check their gadgets. Until then, eto na lang muna! :D

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