Monday, October 15, 2007

Break a sweat

Friday, instead of spending the holiday with my family, I've attended our company's sportsfest. I even sang the National Anthem, without practice. I'm proud to say I didn't miss a single word but I couldn't say the same about my notes hehe

teams are grouped into four teams: blue, red, yellow and green.

Blue team did great in their cheer

And so did the green team

In the end, we are all winners

Here's a wacky shot for you

I didn't get to break a sweat because I'm part of the EWC and we organized everything. If ever, I would love to play volleyball :D I took about 500+ photos for the said event but didn't get much quality shots. I don't blame my cam, it can only do so much if given the right settings. Remind me to review my manual again and find that voucher.

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