Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Dirty by the Dozen

Got this question tag from Abie:

How many kids do you plan to have?

Hmm.. It would be a riot to have a dozen tots to go home to. One is enough challenge for me for now but we're hoping to have a baby boy next time. If God willing then baby making stops there :D otherwise, we'll see maybe He has other plans for me :D

Thanks Abie! I wonder how many you guys plan to have? :D


abie said...


Thanks for answering my tag. As for your question, pareho tayo ng plan. Kung lalaki na ang kasunod, baka hanggang 2 lang. Pero parang si howell kse gusto 3-5 kids...hehehe...

Take care sis.

Me said...

abie, salamat din sa pagtanong! :D goodluck satin!! :D

M0rN1nG & N!cE said...

Ey kitts, same tayo ng answer. Masaya na kami sa isa. Pero youll never know.....sana kung masundan girl naman.
