Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Photography: Night shots

If it is not obvious yet, some of you may have notice that I rarely take photos at night, without flash. Night shots have always been difficult for me. Sufficient outdoor lighting is always welcome. However, it really does depend on whatever it is that you’re trying to convey in the photo. If you want to capture twilight then definitely one must capture the light struggling to hang on while darkness takes over. I’ve read somewhere a slow shutter speed will be helpful here to produce a certain glow. I’ve yet to tinker with my camera’s ISO setting to get the combination of details and lighting I want in my shots.

Actually, I’ve got a lot more to figure out with my camera. Which reminds me, I still have a P500 voucher for a photography class. Note to self: I have to enroll and use it before it expires by end of December.

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