Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Welcome home

Whenever one of my balikbayan relatives came back home, we’ll be there at the airport to welcome them, pick them up and go straight to where they’ll stay. A lot of chattering and exchange compliments or even tease the other of what has physically changed since then. When I was a child though, I remember eagerly anticipating what’s inside the balikbayan boxes as they were being open by box cutters. I would usually get US Branded clothes and they smell different in a nice way.

Over the years, I wasn’t able to join what we call the welcoming band. However, last thursday night, Tita Baby and Tito Jim arrived from seattle and it has been three years since I last say Tito Jim. Both were our GodParents during our wedding. Good thing I was staying with my mom when I heard the news and got to meet them that night. It’s nice to have you back Tito and Tita. Hope we’ll be seeing each other again before you leave Pinas.

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