Friday, October 05, 2007

Palawan Day 1: Iwahig Prison Penal Farm

This was our first stop for the City Tour. Our driver suggested that we go here first kasi ito yung pinakamalayo. The rest daw kasi tabi-tabi na. Around 2pm, andun na kami. There really isn't much to see or do here except buy souveniers made by the inmates themselves. Sadly wala ako masyadong makitang gusto ko. Either that or nagkukuripot lang din hehe.

Nga pala, one of the inmates offered hubby an orange shirt, supposedly this was issued to them as a uniform. Hubby didn't take his offer seriously pero muntik na rin nyang kagatin. Later we found out that both Minnie's brother and Ian bought one for P300. Binilin lang na they should not wear it while still inside the penitentiary or else hindi sila palalabasin.

Ok din yung concept nung place na hindi sya parang kulungan very positive ika nga. For awhile there I actually forgot na may mga kriminal pala dun. Very un-prison break like na place hehe.

Posing muna :D

an old structure beside the souvenir shop

handmade by an inmate, can be bought at the shop

just an old typewriter

Keychains costs P100 for 12pcs, the turtle magnet I think is P15

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