Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Mommy Survey

Saw this from Aggie but snagged it from Toni.

1. Was your first pregnancy planned? Not exactly plotted but we're not really NOT trying.
2. Were you married at the time? Yes, even before I just don't want to have a baby out of wedlock
3. What were your reactions? Mixed emo, sad and happy. Sad kasi tataba ako haha, sad kasi when the baby comes out bawas date nights na. Happy kasi babies are a bundle of joy diba and nawala ang fear ko na hindi magkababy. Excited and scared kami ni hubby kasi bagong challege, dami questions and fear on parenting.
4. Was abortion an option for you? Nope. Never!
5. How old were you? 27
6. How did you find out you were pregnant? I was clueless hehe I wasn't feeling well and hubby teased me baka buntis ako kasi medyo delayed na nga rin. Nagsolo ako, bought a Home Preg Kit did it during lunch break at work hehe.
7. Who did you tell first? Hubby! Here's how :D
8. Did you want to find out the sex? Yes, I was opting for a boy but hubby wants a girl
9. Due date? June 3, 2006
10. Did you have morning sickness? Thankfully wala naman.
11. What did you crave? Spag, Buco, native kakanin.
12. Who/what irritated you the most? Who? Ala naman.
13. What was your first child’s sex? Girl.
14. Did you wish you had the opposite sex of what you were getting? Hmm.. Honestly I was opting for a boy sana kasi I have a girlfriend who's panganay and she really had a hard time kasi her family relied on her a lot and by default became the bread winner after graduation. Parang she couldn't marry whenever she wanted kasi nga she still have financial obligations.
15. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? 40lbs++
16. Did you have a baby shower? Yes, my former officemate insisted that we hold one before ako manganak. It was fun but unnecessary ;)
17. Was it a surprise or did you know? I knew kasi nga kulit nung officemate ko.
18. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? None, healthy as a horse.
19. Where did you give birth? St. Claire Medical Center.
20. How many hours were you in labor? 8 hours since I got admitted to the hospital :D
21. Who drove you to the hospital? Pareng Neil, we just got our car a few weeks back and hubby's still learning how to drive. He didn't trust himself to be sane/calm enough to do the driving haha
22. Who watched you give birth? Hubby doesn't want to see all those blood so just the doctors and nurses.
23. Was it natural or C-section? Normal delivery but doc has to use forceps to help the baby come out.
24. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? I am indebted to the inventor of Epidural.
25. How much did your child weigh? Dani weighs 6.3lbs then
26. When was your child actually born? May 31, 2006 earlier than expected.
27. What did you name him/her? Daniella Veronica
28. How old is your first born today? She's 15months as of this writing :D I have to fix my lilypie ticker hehe

Ahh.. to relive the birth pains.. honestly, i can't remember it anymore makes me want to make babies every 9 months haha kidding :D In case you're interested here's my birthing story.

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